Lesbian, Innit (Ben Pabla & Esther)

Lesbian, Innit (Ben Pabla & Esther)

Falta más de 1 mes
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Cuándo Sáb 29 Mar 202518:30h
Dónde Barcelona
Lugar The Comedy Clubhouse
Tipo de Show Show Personal
Lesbian, Innit (Ben Pabla & Esther)

It’s…it’s a split-hour stand-up comedy show - what do you need a description of the event for? It’s incredibly self-explanatory. If you can’t figure that out, then don’t come. You can buy a ticket, but just don’t come. No, seriously, we don’t want you there.... Ver más

Artistas del evento

DesconocidoBen PablaDesconocidoEsther


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Imagen de Barcelona
The Comedy Clubhouse

Carrer del Bruc, 55




Lesbian, Innit (Ben Pabla & Esther) ¡Consigue tu entrada!