English Stand Up Comedy Open Mic in Torremolinos

English Stand Up Comedy Open Mic in Málaga

Evento Expirado
Cuándo Sáb 18 May 2024 20:00h
Dónde Málaga
Lugar MálagaSalsa Escuela de Baile
Tipo de Show Open Mic
English Stand Up Comedy Open Mic in Torremolinos

This is a new act and new material night with a variety of levels of talent. We do not have professional comedians on this show, but we have a fully stocked bar to guarantee you'll laugh at anything. Ver más

Artistas del evento

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Este evento ha expirado
Imagen de Málaga
MálagaSalsa Escuela de Baile
WEB MálagaSalsa Escuela de Baile

C. Corregidor Paz Guzmán, 2,




English Stand Up Comedy Open Mic in Torremolinos